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  • Parking Assisi Mojano Assisi Parking, Umbria – Italy

Entrance & Exit Parking

The Mojano Assisi Parking is spread over three levels plus a level for services and the shopping mall. The ENTRANCE and EXIT for vehicles is from the Strada Statale Assisana 147 road. Entrance to the parking is from above, with vehicles exiting from below. From the Exit a two-way circle road offers a connection to the three parking levels. A vertical pedestrian connection, with stairs and a lift, connects the various parking levels. The volume of the entire parking occupies three levels that are terraced to follow the contours of the hillside and hidden by a layer of expanded clay for drainage. The expanded clay is covered with a layer of soil, with olive trees planted at the air vents to much in the same way as they would have been prior to the construction works. CONNECTIONS TO THE OLD CITY CENTRE: from below: public transport serves the old town centre from the parking lot; from above: a metal walkway leads visitors either by foot or along a newly installed conveyor belt over the city fortifications into Via S.Agnese, just 200 metres from Piazza Santa Chiara and Piazza del Comune. Via San Francesco leads to the Basilica of St Francis’ and the Sacred Convent. WELCOME IN ASSISI The Management
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